Monday, 22 February 2016

Verulamium Mosaics

After looking at the mosaics in the museum at Verulamium, Year Four created some of their own using small tesserae just as the Romans did.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Roman oil lamps

Everyone in 4AW made an oil lamp this afternoon after creating their own design based on historical research. They are now drying and will be fired in the school kiln. We are really looking forward to welcoming parents to our oil lamp workshops next week.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The Lion King

On Wednesday 27th January 2016, the Year 4 children watched the stunning Lion King show at the Lyceum Theatre in London. It was a fantastic day and the children thoroughly enjoyed the show. The following day, the children in 4MR wrote a diary entry of their day. The children loved writing their diary entries and it was clear to see the children will remember the show for a very long time.