Thursday, 5 March 2020

Spellings to be tested 12th March

The [I] sound spelt -y within words (myth, gym)

Core Group
Core words
that's, or, our, through
Pattern words
myth, gym, cygnet
Lower School Core Words
island, knowledge, learn

Group A
crypt, hymn, syrup, cygnet, gym, gypsy, lyric, crystal, myth, symbol, pyramid, mystery, system
Lower School Core Words
increase, important, interest

Group B
crystal, antonym, typical, syllable, cylinder, physics, oxygen, syringe, synonym, symptom, pyramid, mystery, system
Lower School Core Words
increase, important, interest

Group C
physical, gymnasium, symphony, hypocrite, analysis, rhythm, hypnosis, systematic, cymbal, syllable, pyramid, mystery, system
Lower School Core Words
increase, important, interest

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Spellings to be tested 5th March

Core Group
Core words
would, everyone, that's, or
hour, son, hear,
Lower School Core Words
interest, island, knowledge

Group A
Homophones and near homophones
hear, some, heard, hour, their, meat, son, bored, piece, write, too, sight, ate
Lower School Core Words
height, history, imagine

Group B
Homophones and near homophones
there, scene, fare, mourning, not, threw, whether, whole, break, bye, too, sight, ate
Lower School Core Words
height, history, imagine

Group C
Homophones and near homophones
where, steel, seam, plane, tale, waste, sure, been, allowed, reel, too, sight, ate
Lower School Core Words
height, history, imagine