Wednesday, 28 February 2024

February in Year 4


In February, Year Four worked extremely hard to earn their well-deserved break.  We hope you enjoyed the time off and now feel refreshed ready for the second half of Spring term.  Below are a few highlights from February. 


In February, the children continued to enjoy their PE topic - points of balance.  We integrated the equipment to show transitions between different types of balances. Look how amazing we are! 

Internet Safety Day

On Tuesday 6th of February, along with lots of the world, we took part in Safer Internet Day.  Year Four showed their knowledge and understanding of how to be safe online and how technology has changed over time. 


We have just begun our new topic in English and we are looking at play scripts! On Monday, Year Four enjoyed their sparky start looking at the Twits story which will be used throughout this term. 


Our topic this term is all to do with states of matter. This will help us to solve a mystery problem in our final lesson! The children thoroughly enjoyed observing what happened to the ice hands over the course of the afternoon and discussing which parts would melt first. 

We are currently half way through the academic year. We thoroughly look forward to what the second half of Year Four will bring!

Monday, 5 February 2024

January in Year Four


We have had a great start to the year in Year Four with lots of fantastic learning taking place. At the beginning of the year, we looked at New Year's resolutions and made targets for the year ahead. 

At the start of January, we undertook the OUMTC (Official Unofficial Multiplication TimesTable Check) provided by TTRockstars to help prepare the children for the official government-provided test later on in the year. Children had six seconds to answer each question and had 25 questions to answer in total. Lots of children have been working extremely hard to meet the expectations of knowing all their timetables up to 12 x 12 and many children were achieving 25/25 - well done to all! 

In computing, we have been looking at creating audio using a range of devices. We have looked at various recording devices and have challenged children to create their own audio recordings via GarageBand and edit them. We also hope to use the fabulous new podcast room to record and edit some of our dairy entries in English later this month.  

In geography, we have been working hard to learn all about the United Kingdom and its capital cities. We have been using our map skills to locate counties and identify where we live on our own maps. 
In P.E., the children have been super enthusiastic about our topic of balance. The children have been learning about the three principles of balance and creating some wonderful sequences. We have been amazed by the children's creativity and skills. 

We look forward to the month ahead!