Sunday, 15 April 2018

Home Learning Information for Year Four

This coming term, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be times table practice and either a written consolidation or Mathletics task set. (30 minutes)

In school, we have a weekly focus on a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes)

Children should read with an adult at least three times a week at home. Where possible, this could be every day. Renaissance Home Connect enables parents to see information about their child's progress within Accelerated Reader.

This home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will recommence on Thursday 19th April. 

As always, there will be no Home Learning to complete during the half term break. 

On Wednesday 4th July, children will meet their Year Five teacher for next year and the preparation work set that day will replace home learning for the final weeks of the year.

Spelling tests will take place in the same way they did during the previous terms.

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